Millennium Park Holiday Art Market Vendor Discounted Parking
Just steps away from the Chase Promenade, Millennium Garages offers discounted parking at our Millennium Park Garage.
Our Millennium Park Garage is located at 6 South Columbus Drive, between Randolph and Monroe.
The vehicle entrance ramp on Columbus Drive with pedestrian entrances/exits are located on upper Randolph.
Vehicle height limit is 6′ 8″
Rates valid for up to 15-hours from Thursday, November 16 through Sunday, November 19, 2023.

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Extended Stay Parking
Book for all three days with our Extended Stay parking which allows you in-n-out access. Choose from any four of our garages. We recommend out Millennium Park Garage as it is the most convenient to Chase Prominade.
Use promo code ARTMARKET to save an additional 15% off your online booking.